TX3153 Hydrant Button

This device has multi-level filtering for strong anti-interference, requires special-key manual reset, offers an independent normally open contact output, and features a plug-in design for easy installation.

Technical Specifcations

Working voltage: DC24V (15V to 28V)

Working current: Static ≤ 0.8mA, Start ≤ 1.2mA

Output capacity: DC30V/100mA passive contact output, contact resistance ≤ 100mΩ

Indicator light status: Red start light, green reply light

Operating environment: -10°C to +55°C, ≤95%RH, without condensation

Protection level: IP43

Weight: 90.5g (with base)

Dimensions: 90 * 90 * 34mm (with base)


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